Wednesday, February 29, 2012

What is this new Pinterest thing?

Hello everyone,

In the past few months the newest type of social media has emerged called Pinterest. Pinterest is the newest type of blogging that incorporates the sharing of pictures, videos, quotes and so much more. One creates a pin board and will post their pictures to this board based on the category. The catch is for one to join Pinterest they must be invited by either a member who is on Pinterest or go on a waiting list to join.

In the last few months Pinterest is becoming one of the most visited sites on the web passing up Google+. The site is most popular with women between the ages of 25-44. Generally speaking the site would hold a liking to anyone due to the wide range of "pins" or pictures available to look at.

In the recent few weeks it is now being noted that many businesses are being involved in Pinterest to get their products out there in the world. Stores such as Crate & Barrel, Express and Nordstrom have all been noted for joining this new type of social networking.

Personally, I've become one of the new addicted people of Pinterest. I'm on it daily and get caught up in procrastinating homework with pinning my life away. I definitely recommend it to others because of the wonderful ideas available on Pinterest for crafts, home decor, wedding, travel ideas and so much more.

Check it out!

Have a great day!


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