Sunday, February 26, 2012

Blogging Connected to Public Relations

Hello eveyone,

This past week I did a presentation on the importance of blogging used in the public relations world today. Heres what I found involving blogging.

Blogging is a form of social media that has been around since the 1990s. Although blogging has changed very much from the beginning it has so far to go.  In the definition blogging is used as a marketing technique to reach stakeholders, specific target markets and in addition to understand what their customers want within a company. Blogging is a combination of PR, SEO, marketing, writing, journalism, product marketing, customer service and many more disciplines. Through this the messages are brought to the rights peoples attention.

Blogging is used for many different reasons in the world today as I mentioned before. There are always different cites coming about with different ways of showcasing information in order to reach their target audience. The main goal is to get messages out to the publics and in return get feedback on their thoughts. The publics messages back to a company or organization maybe positive or negative but it will help a company understand if what they’re doing is right or not.

Blogging matters in our world today because of the extra outreach it has on customers, stakeholders and the target market. The main reason that blogging is effective is because it holds a conversation between many organization and their customers. Blogs don’t have a professional manner to stating new possibilities within a company or speaking of the changes happening. The posts generally have a casual tone, which in turns allows the customers, and readers feel as though they can speak their mind back to the organization.

The main reason that blogging is still very popular despite new technology coming about is because it is every changing and growing. Most blogging sites are free to use and you just design whatever you would like your blog to look like with a format. The impact it has on many people to design their own blog to fit their personality are just others ways that they are able to express themselves. New designs and new websites are always coming out and attracting businesses to be involved in.

The top blog websites that are available are WordPress,Tumblr, Blogger, Pinterest, SquareSpace and Posterous. Pinterest is the newest of the blogs and is designed around the topics of board sharing and people sharing ideas with others. Just recently businesses have started using Pinterest to post there clothing for example to draw in more customers. This is just another great example of how blogs are ever changing and creating great customer awareness.

I believe that blogging will stay around for a very long time. As I mentioned about technology is ever changing but so are blogs and the way that they are formatted. Public Relations professionals are going to use blogs as a tactic and tool to reach their publics as long as they are willing to listen and learn more.

Have a great day!

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