Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Importance of Blogs

I've recently read over an article explaining why public relations professionals should blog regularly. Although like most public relations students I'm told how to blog this article struck me and made me realize why I should write on my blog regularly. Here are the top ten reasons that E-Strategy Blog has listed.

1. The Process
2. Developing Technical Experience
3. Analytics
4. Search Engine Optimization
5. Key Research
6. Online Behavior
7. Empathy
8. Appreciation
9. Knowing What You Think
10. Thought Leadership

These are some generalized statements about the importance but the two reasons that stuck out to me most were key research and online behavior. Stressed to us in school almost daily is the importance of research before discussing a topic or presenting a topic. Without researching a blog post and knowing how to look up research many public relations and communication students wouldn't have much of a future. Online behavior is also very important to me because knowing upcoming trends and new topics online will help you create a better blog in addition to having more people read your blog. I would recommend to everyone to read The Impotance of Blogging: 10 Reasons PR People Should Blog .

Have a great day!

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