Monday, February 13, 2012

Tablets Helping or Hurting Public Relations?

A staggering new finding reported that 23% of all Americans currently own a tablet or e-reading device. Now more than ever Americans are subscribing to newspapers, magazines and many websites. Applications connected to the tablets or e-readers are also drawing in record numbers and causing websites to spend more time in creating a better application than others. According to PR 2.0 Trend: 10 Ways Tablets Will Impact PR people aren't just reading on these devices but watching videos, researching and looking for new ways of media. The article also listed 10 ways that public relation professionals can make sure they're doing a great job in keeping up to date with technology. 

1. Produce more video content.
2. Make better use of visual materials.
3. Socialize your new releases.
4. Curate more content.
5. Write crisp, concise content
6.Re-purpose content. Offer a choice of formats.
7. Design for mobile applications.
8. Create two-way channels.
9. Recognize the shift in consumption patterns.
10. Measure your digital ROI.

These simple ways of making a website look more appealing and different from others via tablet. The key is making your site unique yet easy to access. Having to many colors, graphics and fonts can have people stay away from the site/application due to be overwhelmed. 
Tablets are causing a new trend not only in technology but in the public and media relations worlds too. To read more on the article visit: The PR Coach

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