Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The end is near...

Hello Everyone,

As graduation is approach so is the beautiful weather, good byes and the every ending wondering where will your life go from here. I've started the good byes to my friends from classes and I can't help but think will I ever see some of these people ever again. Although we just had class together and didn't hang out outside the class room they truly have left a mark on my life in some way. It's crazy to look back on the last four years and wonder where the time has gone and who I have become in that time. I went from not understanding myself or what I wanted out of life to fully knowing who I am and what I believe in.

My nerves surrounding the events of the next few months ahead continue to grow in the unknowing of what the future holds for me. Although I have a job one thing is for certain nothing will be the same as it was when leaving school.

So many memories to think about and so thankful for my amazing college experience at UW-Whitewater.


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