Saturday, May 5, 2012

Article in Review

As I mentioned in an earlier post I did an article about Pintererst. Here is my exact review for anyone who would me interested in my thoughts, Enjoy!

By: Scott Brave, Baynote

When reviewing Scott Brave’s recent article on how Pinterest could and should succeed in today’s business world it is clear that he has a great insight. Brave looks into the product themes, cluster theme and product-to-product information that is displayed throughout Pinterest. Brave is the current chief of technology offer at Baynote, a California based Software Company that specialized in web search and recommendation for specific service products. Brave agreements are specifically targeted at the point of Pinterest needing to learn and understand how valuable their information is for retailers concerning their products available on the site.

            Brave’s argument is consistent throughout the article when speaking of the specific topics such as how retailers need to see the obvious affinity for the connection between products and themes available on the site. Users of the site are putting together specific products under their own themes which helps gives retailers specific insight on the different ways they use their products and in return gives retailers and idea on how to market their products. The next topic Brave covers is about the cluster of themes available to be analyzed is how people express their affinity for products within a category. Retailers and marketers would be able to better understand specific demographics of people who are pinning their passion for their products. Pinterest is able to give businesses exactly what they’ve wanted to know, the exact target market of their product and accurately understand what else they’re interested in. The final topic that Brave covers is product-to-product information. For the first time retailers would be able to see through Pinterest how their target market compares their product to another product through a consumers board on Pinterest. This would potentially be able to assist retailers in see if they should add something different to their product or join forces with a product similar to theirs that would compliment their product.

            In my opinion I believe that Brave offers a great sense of understanding of how useful Pinterest would be to retailers and company’s alike in the world looking to get the edge up on their competition. Currently many retailers are putting their products on Pinterest and taking advantage of the new technology by putting their product directly on the site for consumers to look at. The problem is that retailers and businesses don’t understand that the information on Pinterest would potentially help their business grow even more if Pinterest would be able to market their information available. Brave definitely has the right idea to keep pushing forward the “Pinterest Business Plan” idea.

            I believe that this article would be very interesting for anyone who is looking to put their products on Pinterest to understand the effects that it could have on their business. Just by tracking how much their product is being pinned or seeing fellow pinners comment on their product is beneficial. In addition this article would be interesting to people interested in learning what is really happening when they are on Pinterest daily and how it really does/can impact retailers. I would recommend this article to anyone who is just looking for a quick read and understanding the effects on Pinterest.

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